#1 Please select this link if you are only renting our "Mirror Me" photo booth

Contract For Mirror Me Photo Booth Rental

#2 Please select this link if you are hiring us for only DJ or Karaoke

Contract For DJ and/or Karaoke

#3 Please select this link if you are hiring us for both DJ or Karaoke and our Mirror Me Photo Booth

Contract For DJ and/or Karaoke and Mirror Me Photo Booth Rental


#4 Please select this link if you are only renting our "Mirror Me" photo booth

Non Profit, Promo or Gigmasters Contract For Mirror Me Photo Booth Rental

#5 Please select this link if you are hiring us for only DJ or Karaoke

Non Profit, Promo or Gigmasters Contract For DJ and/or Karaoke

#6 Please select this link if you are hiring us for both DJ or Karaoke and our Mirror Me Photo Booth

Non Profit, Promo or Gigmasters Contract For DJ and/or Karaoke and Mirror Me Photo Booth Rental